We will tell you how to find a common language with a four-legged pet and what to teach him in the first place.
When to start raising a dog
Build a relationship with your puppy as soon as it arrives in your home. And be sure to provide it from day one with everything you need: bowls for food and water, a bed for sleeping, suitable food, toys, and treats. Pay enough attention to make him feel safe and trust you.
You need to introduce your pet to the teams from an early age. In the first months, teach them on walks and at home, including during games.
Read also: How to Play With Dogs: Avoid Places Where There Are Other Dogs.
First, the puppy must learn what his name is. It is better to choose a short name that is easier to remember and only calls the dog. When the baby gets comfortable and starts to respond, you can move on to the commands. By the age of three months, he should already know the required minimum: “Fu!”, “Come to me!” “Place!” “Near!” and “Aport!” Then you can move on to the rest.
How to raise a dog properly.
By training your pet and adjusting its behavior, you will eventually grow up an obedient dog that will not cause much trouble.

According to expert adult dog’s education, the susceptibility to upbringing and training can be influenced by various factors, from a combination of which the behavioral model of the animal is formed:
- temperament – the speed of reaction to external stimuli, both positive and negative;
- character – as a dog resists unpleasant external influences;
- obedience – the ability to voluntarily accept a person’s leadership;
- vigilance – how quickly the dog notices situations that could pose a potential danger to him or the owner;
- aggressiveness – the ability to react in a hostile manner to what is or seems to be dangerous and threatening to a pet or owner;
- curiosity is the natural interest that occurs when a dog sees, hears, or feels something;
- sociability – the ability to and naturally interact with people;
- possessiveness is the interest that an animal takes in objects, such as its toys or bones.
The rate of learning and its effectiveness largely depends on which traits dominate. Considering these factors, you will certainly find an approach to the puppy and will be able to correct his behavior.
Do not hurry
Do not try to teach the puppy all the commands at once. Work them out one by one. Be patient and act methodically. Do not scold your pet if he makes mistakes, and be sure to reward when everything works out.
Be considerate and patient. Remember that each animal is individual and assimilates information at its natural pace.
Don’t hit your pet
Do not use physical punishment, even spanking, until the dog is three months old. Limit yourself only to changing intonation, but never go screaming.
After reaching three months, you can use a light but perceptible hand slap on the seat to measure influence. In this case, do not forget to pronounce the command, “Fu!” Only punish at the moment of the offense, not after it. Otherwise, the dog won’t understand what went wrong.
Be consistent
The main goal of training is to execute any command the first time. Articulate them clearly and pronounce them in an even voice so that the dog understands and obeys you. Don’t say “Come here” or “Come” instead of “Come to me!”. This is especially important in the very first stages.
Involve all family members in raising the dog, but be sure to act at the same time. Avoid a situation where you scold your puppy for something, and others encourage pampering or turn a blind eye to it.
Stock up on goodies
Do not forget to reward your pet with goodies and praises when he has done what was required of him.
What are the basic commands to teach a dog?
You will use some commands more often, others less. But all of them come in handy to easily interact with the pet and even protect it in different situations.

On this command, the dog should bring the object that you threw: a stick, a ball, or another toy. It is especially useful during walks and will help provide your pet with useful physical activity. After such games, the dog will be calmer and more obedient, and it is also good for his health.

This is not about the paw trick that many people love. On such a command, the dog must give the owner a toy or any other object in his mouth.
To lie down

This command is useful not only at home and on walks – it will help others learn.
To me

You will need to use this command quite often. So be sure to teach your dog to do it in all situations. Say the command along with the pet’s name. During training, when the puppy responds, be sure to reward with praise or a treat.
Never call a dog to punish and do not scold if she came up on her own, even naughty before that. This behavior on your part can alienate the animal.
A place

A puppy, and then an adult dog, must clearly understand where it belongs. He can sleep anywhere if you don’t mind, but the ability to execute the command does not cancel this.
You can also use it outside the home, marking the place with a leash or your favorite toy.

This command comes in handy when walking with and without a leash, for example, when the dog really wants to chase a neighbor’s cat. It will also protect your pet when crossing the road and in other situations outside the home.

This command will help in everyday situations and on walks when you need to calm the animal or fix it in one place. For example, if you want to fasten a leash or treat your eyes and ears with special hygiene products.
To stand

Another command that is useful in everyday life. For example, when combing a dog during the next molt.
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With this command, you can stop the dog even if you are at some distance. It will come in handy, for example, if a puppy is playing too much or an adult dog wants to pick something up from the ground while walking.
When the pet learns the meaning of “Fu,” you need to immediately use the command as soon as he starts doing something illegal.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Life hacker