What Is Postpartum Depression In Men?

Women may have postpartum depression, and it is a commonplace; however, few people talk about it and admit it. In cases where postpartum depression affects men, and they talk about their condition, they are advised to “be a man,” writes huffingtonpost.com.

Postpartum depression is a much more serious and long-term disorder that can occur in both mothers and fathers. New dads are ashamed for depression even more severely than moms, says Will Courtney, social worker and founder of SadDaddy.com.

The moment of manifestation of the disease varies; in women, symptoms appear within 4 months after childbirth; in men – within 3-6 months after the birth of a child. Dr. Pierre Azzam, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, argues that symptoms of postpartum depression in men include sleep disorders, impaired attention and appetite, and apathy.

“For fathers, the change in their personality is slower, it becomes more difficult for them to make decisions, they become irritable, anxious and harsh towards themselves,” says Dr. Azzam.

Psychologist Melissa Gill adds that postpartum depression in men is caused by lack of sleep and is exacerbated if there is a family history of depression or other psychiatric disorders.

Read also: How to Recognize Hidden Depression In Your Loved Ones

Hormones are not just women

Postpartum depression can also occur in fathers when the pregnancy was unplanned. The father expected a child of the opposite sex, caring for a sick or colicky toddler, or cannot cope with the stress of taking responsibility for a new family member.

What Is Postpartum Depression In Men?

However, psychologists are sure that there is a hormonal component in male postpartum depression. New research suggests that testosterone levels can drop in men, and estrogen levels can rise 3-6 months after giving birth. These changes, together with lack of sleep and other factors, are the storm that causes depression.

What’s more, experts say that if a woman has postpartum depression, her partner’s chances of depression are increased. 

How to deal with it

Research on postpartum depression in fathers shows early promising results, but there is much less information about it than about depression in mothers. Often the fathers’ condition worsens only because they do not say anything to anyone, wanting to cope independently. However, all the negative consequences of postpartum depression can be prevented or avoided altogether by seeking help on time. Asking for support from relatives and friends is not a shame but simply necessary. Men are only panicky afraid to admit that they need help because it is often expected from them. However, men should understand that by becoming fathers, they have become different people than before the birth of a child and that now is the time to count on the support of loved ones.

Also read: This Is Why You Can’t Fight Depression Alone

Recall that psychologists from Israel have established exactly when the spouses begin to cheat on each other. Scientists analyzed 423 examples of long-term relationships and found that men and women in marriage take different amounts of time to “mature” for cheating.
If a woman is married from 6 to 10 years, she is most likely to cheat on her partner. In shorter marriages and marriages, wives turn out to be the most faithful to their husbands.

Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle