It is impossible to maintain a reasonable dialogue with some people. In order not to stoop to retaliatory insults, use these tips.
1. Try to anticipate criticism
If you are giving a presentation or speech, imagine what points might cause criticism from the audience. You may have been given similar comments before that you could not answer. Consider what to say in advance. Having a blank answer will make it easier for you to react to unpleasant words.
Read also: This Trick Will Help You Have A Casual Conversation With Anyone
2. Don’t answer immediately
Don’t get angry or answer hastily. Pour a glass of water, collect your thoughts, find the right words.

3. Start with a friendly general phrase
Jobs began his response to criticism during one speech by saying: “When you try to change something, one of the most difficult obstacles is that people like the one who asked this question are right about something.” He softened his answer, and at first glance, it seems that he agrees with his opponent, although it is clear from the further speech that this is not so.
Always start out in a friendly way, even if you totally disagree with the other person’s opinion.
4. Answer the question you would like to hear
Although Jobs was asked a question about a particular programming language and his privacy, he did not comment on it. He answered a more general question; “Were there any mistakes made during the changes in the company, and who in tech companies does the final result depend more on: developers or clients?”
This is a classic policy maneuver that always works.
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5. Finally, admit your mistakes, but support your team.
You must become your biggest fan. Especially at the beginning of the journey, when you can only rely on yourself and your team. Admit the mistakes you made, share what lessons you learned from them, but then be sure to mention that you and your team work hard and why you deserve support.
People are used to appreciating hard work, so by mentioning it will win over your audience.
For example, Jobs ended up saying, “We’ll find bugs and fix them. But what needs to be done now is to support the team, which is at a critical stage and is working tirelessly”.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Life hacker