Italian and international cuisine uses double zero flour, starches, and animal origin proteins as thickeners for most of the sweet and savory dishes. However, for ethical, diet, or health reasons, limiting or eliminating these ingredients from the menu often becomes necessary, forcing you to find alternative food solutions.
A good substitute in these cases is flaxseed flour, which boasts a lower glycemic index than wheat and is a completely vegetable product, so it can also be used by those who follow a vegan diet instead of butter and eggs.
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In these cases, it is important to choose the right product according to the uses. Many vegan chefs use flaxseed gel for their preparations, which is obtained by soaking a spoonful in a water glass overnight.
This preparation is practically tasteless and can be used as a thickener in recipes that expect a solid result, such as cakes or pies. On the other hand, flaxseed flour can be used in a more heterogeneous way, both for creams or sauces and the sweet recipes mentioned above.

For a plum cake or a donut, a level spoonful of every 300g of flour is enough, taking care to mix the two ingredients well. To thicken a cream or a sauce instead, sift a little flaxseed flour at a time, making sure to incorporate each addition well.
Also read: Top 5 Healthier Alternatives To Flour When Losing Weight
Depending on the desired density, add the product several times, but always remembering that, unlike the gel, excessive use of flour can change our recipe’s flavor. As the Latins used to say, “in media stat virtus,” and virtuous things are fundamental for cooking lovers.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad