Many people cannot deny themselves the pleasure of eating before bedtime, so they become overweight. But you can eat the right foods, from which fat reserves will melt even at night.
Knowing what is useful to eat at night, there is a great opportunity to satisfy hunger at night and get rid of extra pounds in a dream. It is believed that it is not advisable to eat apples before going to bed, as they contain too much sugar. But this fruit has many advantages; apples are digested very quickly, especially if not many fruits are eaten. This late dinner is especially popular with vegetarians.
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Grapes and bananas are also allowed before bed. Oranges and grapefruits can be good helpers in losing weight at night since they contain a huge amount of substances that contribute to the intensive process of losing weight. Also, these fruits contain valuable fiber, which helps to speed up metabolism significantly. In the process of losing weight, delicious pineapple, lemon, and of course, kiwi also help.
However, it is still not recommended to eat these fruits just before bedtime. The ideal option is to have yourself a little late dinner about half an hour before bed. In this way, an unwanted spike in insulin in the blood can be easily prevented.

Before going to bed, it is also allowed to eat vegetables; however, extremely low-calorie. They will be able to satisfy the awakened hunger and bring great benefits to the whole organism.
Cottage cheese is also a good snack. It will be most beneficial if consumed as a separate dish. It is allowed to dilute it with a small amount of kefir, and best of all – with plain boiled water. But you can also add quite a bit of fruit, honey, or raisins to the cottage cheese – if you add a little of them, then there will be no harm to the figure, and the cottage cheese will become much tastier.
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To improve your mood before bed, you can pamper yourself with a few tablespoons of flaxseeds, which also positively affect the breakdown of existing body fat.
If there is always a hunger feeling before bedtime, you should seek help from an experienced nutritionist.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle