In Italy, when it comes to rice pudding, the typical Tuscan sweet with a shortcrust pastry base immediately comes to mind. But in reality, outside the Tuscan territory and especially outside the Italian borders, rice pudding is a spoon dessert with no solid parts. Still, it consists of cream of rice and milk, often flavored.
In England, this dessert is a great classic, loved by adults and children and it is also easily prepared for breakfast for the whole family. The recipe is not complex, on the contrary. Still, it is necessary to consider the rather long cooking times of the rice, as it is necessary that the starches come out completely and the cereal becomes doughy.
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To prepare a good vegan rice pudding, therefore also suitable for lactose intolerant or those who follow a diet without ingredients of animal origin, put 150gr of long grain rice, 500ml of coconut or almond milk, and 200ml in a large pot, add water and bring to a boil.

The rice will be stirred constantly to prevent it from sticking and, once the liquid has started to boil, we can add 50g of white sugar and 50g of brown sugar. Also, add half a teaspoon of salt and mix well with a wooden spoon until all the ingredients are combined.
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Now, can cover the pot with a lid, lower the heat to low to allow the rice to simmer gently and evenly, and finally wait about 50 minutes. During this time, the liquid will reduce, and the cereal will become more puffy and creamy. At this point, turn off the heat and add 30g of vegetable margarine to whisk and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, mix and serve in bowls, sprinkling with bitter cocoa or cinnamon.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad