The long-awaited warming outside which brings not only warmth but also mud in the form of wet snow, will leave your house messy. Here are tips to help you keep your house clean and tidy. Keep reading.
1. Place a rug just outside the door. Just do not go wrong with the choice because a good rug should absorb water, retain dirt, and be easy to clean. If you vacuum it first from the front and then from the back, you will see how much dirt it keeps out of your home.
2. Do not wash the dirty floor immediately. Wait for it to dry and then sweep or vacuum. Dry dirt is much easier to collect, and when you rub the wet, dirty floor with a rag, on the contrary, you spread it further.
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Do not use a mop or rag to clean the dirty floor. It’s easier to do this.
– Vacuum dry dirt or sweep it with a brush;
– Sprinkle a little all-purpose cleaner on a damp paper towel and wipe away stains on the floor and walls (you don’t need to rinse off);
– Treat unwashed tough stains (stubborn dirt or shoe streaks) using paper towels with vinegar or a melamine sponge.

3. Use what you have at hand.
– hang a natural bristle brush at the entrance to a handle or hook to brush off adhering dirt before stepping over the threshold
– old towels to wipe your shoes
– put a tray, baking sheet, or other container at the entrance to collect water and dirt from your shoes. Place an absorbent cork mat or old newspaper on the bottom of the tray
Also read: 20 Things You Should Get Rid Of During Your Next Cleaning
4. Observe the rule; the entrance hall is not an unloading point. Provide each child with their own basket for storing boots, sports equipment, a backpack.
5. When it is damp and dirty outside, it is most difficult to keep the hallway tidy. When you enter your home, just four steps are enough to leave 85% of the dirt on your shoes on the floor. Therefore, there should be a good dirt-protection mat in front of the entrance.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle