Washing and sanitizing clothes is a good practice to disinfect all types of garments and defend against bacteria’s proliferation to live healthily and safely. You can start with a series of habits that, over time, will become behaviors that you will easily implement without realizing it.
The simplest and fastest solution is to use the washing machine. Here are the tips to proceed in the best way, considering that viruses become inactive at a temperature of at least 70° C (always check each garment label to avoid damaging the clothes).
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– As soon as you return home from a walk or a day of work, do not accumulate the clothes in the basket, but if it is a good number of pieces, it is better to proceed immediately, especially if you have a large family.
– Load the washing machine without filling it too much so that the pieces are easily cleaned and disinfected, having more space available.

– Wash with the usual detergent, preferably with the addition of a small amount of bleach (only in the case of white cotton items) to be inserted in the compartment instead of the softener or the pre-wash compartment.
– As soon as the washing cycle is finished, open the door and hang the clothes immediately, without keeping them inside the drum. Humidity and heat can lead to the birth and spread of “bad” microorganisms.
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– Dry in direct sunlight for several hours to exploit the disinfectant properties of ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, opt (always if we have to replace it) for the washing machine that works with steam. Steam washing creates considerable humidity in the drum, so it penetrates the fibers of the fabrics and makes the detergent action more effective.
Sanitize the washing machine with special washing-machine care or with a mixture of 250ml of vinegar, 25ml hydrogen peroxide, and 200ml of water by running a wash cycle with no load. This way, you can wash safely, even with the next wash cycles.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad