Removing stains from marble is one of the cleaning needs for this precious and delicate material that can blacken or be stained by the most disparate products and ingredients; let’s see how to treat stains marble floors and furniture with grandmother’s remedies and DIY home methods.
Here are the ingredients and methods to try for cleaning stains. In any case, rinse well and dry perfectly.
1) A grandmother’s remedy to clean stained marble is to prepare a gruel with baking soda; add a little water to the powder, mix and adjust the ingredients to obtain a creamy dough. Put it on the stained area, leave it to act, and then rinse.
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2) Another DIY remedy for removing stains from marble is to use pumice powder. Take a pumice stone and crush it to reduce it to a powder[ apply the powder with a soft, damp cloth and rinse.

3) In some cases, to remove stains from marble, it may be sufficient to clean with water and neutral soap or Marseille soap.
4) In the case of fresh stains, use a soft damp cloth immediately.
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5) Another do-it-yourself method to remove stains from marble is to wipe the inside of an apple peel over it.
For each remedy, make one test on one point to check that it does not damage your specific marble.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad