How To Grill Or Boil Corn

Corn reminds us of country festivals, where country music is played, and those American films where the family is all reunited and prepares to bite into delicious boiled or grilled corn on the cob to be flavored at will. Corn is one of our local and international cuisine ingredients that puts you in a good mood.

It is used to make popcorn, but the fresh corn on the cob, as mentioned, is delicious and can be done in many different ways, from the lightest ones, with traditional boiling, to the most delicious ones. In general, the roasted version goes hand in hand with sauces to flavor and simple cheese or butter, to be melted with the heat of the corn on the cob.

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To make boiled corn cobs, first clean them from the leaves and filaments, cutting them into two or more parts if they are very long. Rinse them under tap water quickly; if there are earth sediments, putting them in a large pot covering them with water.

How To Grill Or Boil Corn
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At this point, bring to a boil and let the corn cook over medium heat with a lid, occasionally turning to rotate the pieces of cob. To test the doneness,  insert a fork into the corn pulp and see if the central core is soft; in this case, turn off the flame and take out only the cobs and serve.

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This prevents them from hardening, which happens as soon as the corn cools. To make grilled corn on the cob, the job is even easier. The peeling and cleaning phase is the same as the boiled version. Still, in this case, the cooking will be on the hot barbecue, often turning the corn and brushing it with butter or other aromatic sauces of your choice, such as harissa, if we love spicy, or even the ketchup with honey, if we like the sweet and sour taste.

Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff

Sources: Donnad