Is growing watermelons an idea that tickles you? It would be nice to have fruits with a refreshing and energizing pulp close at hand in the garden. As we know, watermelons are harvested in the summer season. For their cultivation, work begins at the end of the summer, and a warm climate is indicated. Here are more tips.
1) For the cultivation of watermelons, rich soil that does not have drainage problems is preferable.
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2) At the end of the summer, already work on the earth, about half a meter deep.
3) Enrich the soil with manure.
4) To start growing watermelon, you can sow it in jars between late winter and early spring and then transplant it. Or you can sow it directly in the garden, with about 4-5 seeds per hole, or start with the seedlings in spring. If you cultivate with the moon, proceed when it is growing.

5) Thin out the seedlings gradually and eventually keep one for each hole.
6) Carry out the topping of the plants to limit the vegetation’s growth.
7) Another attention to growing watermelons is to eliminate weeds. You can mulch, for example, with straw, also useful to ensure that the watermelon does not hit the ground with the risk of rotting.
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8) Regarding the irrigations, keep in mind that they must be reduced to preserve the watermelon’s taste towards the end.
9) When to harvest watermelons? Identifying the moment in which they are mature is not taken for granted. Try looking at the tendril: in principle, if it is dry, the watermelon should be good.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad