Autumn Vegetables That Saturate The Body With Vitamins All Year Round

Autumn is a good time to strengthen the immune system and saturate your body with useful nutrients and macronutrients. Scientists advise eating more pumpkin, beets, mushrooms, eggplants and tomatoes at this time. Vegetables will help saturate the body with vitamins and minerals that will bring maximum health benefits.

Pumpkin, doctors say, is a unique product rich in a huge amount of beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins of groups B, K, C, E, PP, and A, as well as cobalt useful for blood restoration. Also, pumpkin is low in calories. Therefore it is suitable for those who are losing weight.

Read also: Five Reasons To Include Beans In Your Diet

It is worth eating up beets in the fall, both cooked and raw. It will help normalize metabolism, restore the cardiovascular system’s health, relieve muscle fatigue, and enrich cells with oxygen.

Autumn Vegetables That Saturate The Body With Vitamins All Year Round
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Mushrooms should not be ignored either – this food is extremely nutritious and healthy for the body. It is rich in glycogen and amino acids, prevents autumn blues, boosts immunity and prevents cancer cells.

Also read: How To Keep Vegetables Fresh For A Month

Eggplants are also useful at this time. They are rich in vitamins A, C, P, and B, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, pectin, and potassium. Due to a large amount of fiber, eggplants cleanse the intestines and lower cholesterol levels.
During this period, doctors also recommend eating a lot of tomatoes – they contain mineral salts and organic acids and the antioxidant lycopene, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain. Among the healthiest varieties are orange-yellow, pink, and cherry.

Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle