Psychologists call this blues a seasonal affective disorder characterized by depression, irritability, daytime sleepiness, decreased libido, and even asociality. Scientists explain that the disorder occurs because of reduced serotonin production – the hormone of happiness caused by lack of sunlight.
There are ways to overcome this drowsy depression on your own. And here are some ways.
Spend more time on yourself
During this period, it is essential to take care of yourself: eat well, get enough sleep, and rest. Otherwise, you risk aggravating your depressed mood. Use your free time to your advantage; take a bath with sea salt and essential oils, enjoy your favorite music or movie, or hang out at a party with friends.
Read also: This Is Why You Can’t Fight Depression Alone
Go in for sports
Physical activity has a beneficial effect not only on the body but also on the mood. During training, the body releases negativity provoking endorphins’ active production – hormones of joy that block stress and give a feeling of euphoria. That is why regular training can maintain an emotional state; the main thing is to find a sport to your liking.
Review your nutrition
Nutritionists advise adding more protein foods and seasonal vegetables and fruits to the diet. Foods rich in vitamin D deserve special attention: fatty fish, dairy products. It is better to replace sweets with dark chocolate, bananas, or baked apples – these products are recommended for a bad mood.

Keep a diary
Psychologists advise to write down any negative thoughts or unpleasant events in a notebook. Although, in this case, it is better to write good, so that good emotions arise.
Change your appearance or style
Autumn is considered a period of renewal of nature, so why not renew yourself? Go to the beautician, pick up a new haircut or hair dye, and experiment with makeup. Moreover, shopping is a kind of psychotherapy, so take your friends and buy yourself some new bright outfits.
Also read: What Is Postpartum Depression In Men?
Take a walk in the fresh air
According to experts, walks in the fresh air have a therapeutic effect to help cope with autumn depression. It is recommended to walk for 30 minutes during daylight hours to get maximum sunlight.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle