The dancing mood can destabilize your day, your professional performance, but also relationships. So there is a straightforward and very effective way to help you; consume some superfoods that are very good in case of depression and prevent cognitive decline.
Have you been a little low in the last few days? Eating healthier, more nutritious, and natural foods could help you! The dancing mood often depends on the diet, perhaps low in sugar or too low in calories. If you are not trying to lose weight and have a varied diet, try these 5 superfoods, which should give you the right mental energy.
Ocher: is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable, mostly heart-healthy soluble fiber. Additionally, ocher is also rich in polyphenols, which are micronutrients found in many plant foods that can help with cognitive function and fight inflammation.
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Bananas: Vitamin B6 contained in bananas can help prevent cognitive decline and reduce mood-related symptoms of PMS. Plus, it stimulates dopamine production, and you will feel better within minutes.
Green Tea: Not only is this great for colds, but this popular drink is also a great mood booster! It contains antioxidant compounds that have anti-cancer properties and can reduce the risk of other chronic diseases.
Kefir: This fermented milk drink is similar to yogurt and offers many probiotic health benefits. Replenishing the gut with good bacteria by drinking kefir can help support digestion and improve the immune system.
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Sweet Potatoes: They are a great snack, rich in vitamin B6. It is an essential coenzyme for cognitive development.
Matcha: This powder can contain as much caffeine as that found in a coffee, which means matcha is the best choice for fighting fatigue, slowing cognitive decline, increasing memory, and improving energy.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad