Do you have a passion for sushi and other Asian food? Don’t miss to order a typical oriental dish at least once a week? Then you will have to learn to eat with chopsticks. If you are not able to use them properly, here are some tips on using the chopsticks in the right way.
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These are two tapered bamboo sticks of equal length, disposable, to be used with one hand. At first glance, it seems a complicated process. In reality, if you understand the position of the hand well, you will not show yourself desperate and, after being ridiculed by the other diners, you will not be forced to replace them with the classic cutlery, fork, and knife.

How do you proceed? Put the first stick, which must remain fixed, under the thumb and between the middle and ring fingers, while the second is moved to take the food.
The second is to be held between the index finger and the thumb; the thumb’s tip must be positioned on the side of the wand, while the index and middle fingers move away from the movable rod, which has the task of grasping the food. The upper rod must then move to meet the lower, which will always remain stationary.
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It is important to keep the two sticks aligned without ever crossing them. After a little practice, you will grab even a few grains of rice or micro pieces of vegetables with ease.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad