The front door is often little considered, while it is an essential element. First of all, because it is a filter between the outside world and the most private place of your life, the home, and then because it punctually opens onto the living room, very often cared for in every detail, except there. It’s a sour note.
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If you live in a building or a residential complex of terraced houses, the door will be the same as that of the other housing units. Therefore, you will not be able to do anything outside, but you could customize it internally. Several coatings can hide or embellish the door. The quilted eco-leather panels are exciting, which among other things, tend to isolate the door even more from noise and thermal shock (inside / outside). Alternatively, you could choose something simpler and less expensive, like a lacquered panel like the other doors or something that echoes the wall.

If, on the other hand, you live in your own house and have no constraints, you could also paint the door outside (paying attention to the facade and the indications of the Municipality on colors). According to an English study, the color of the front door reveals a lot of personalities. We know that in the United Kingdom and Ireland there is precisely the cult of the colored door. The most common colors are black, white, gray, and navy.
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What do they mean? Black is elegance and power, white gives the idea of purity, gray is actually the one preferred by those who don’t want to waste time with fashion, blue is relaxing. Then there are red for dynamism, purple for drama, yellow for optimism, lavender for youth and natural wood, instead, a more rustic lifestyle. So pay attention to your choice, not only because you are declaring something about yourself to the world, but because the color of the door could, one day, also influence the sale of the house.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad