Sure Signs It Is Time To See a Psychotherapist

We have figured out when to turn to professionals if thoughts and feelings are not in order. In the world, the number of patients with various mental disorders is measured hundreds of millions. Every fifth adult has felt at least once on yourself; what is it like to live when your own psyche fails.

Mental health is not only about the absence of mental disorders. Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person realizes their abilities, can withstand the stress of everyday life, be productive, and contribute to their community.


World health organization

Many find it difficult to understand why a psychotherapist is needed. Normal people have friends; you need to talk with them heart to heart, and then gather your strength – and all the problems will pass. And all this psychotherapy is a way of siphoning out money; before, this was not, and there were no depressions either.

One cannot but agree with the fact that previously they somehow managed without psychotherapists. But there is a person, who has a problem, and he does not want to live “somehow, as before,” he wants to live well now. A justified desire that psychotherapy can help to realize.

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Who is a psychotherapist

A quick reference so as not to confuse who is considered a psychotherapist and who is not.

A psychologist is a person with higher specialized education; the diploma says “psychologist.” After special training – “clinical psychologist.” All other names (gestalt psychologist, art therapist, and others) indicate only what methods he uses. The psychologist helps to find a way out of difficult situations, to work out problems. But he does not treat mental disorders and diseases; he consults healthy people.

A psychiatrist is a person with higher medical education, a specialist in the field of psychiatry. He treats people with severe mental disorders, usually in a hospital, mainly with pills and procedures.

A psychotherapist is a psychiatrist who has received additional training. He can prescribe drugs, counsel, and heal with a variety of psychotherapy methods.

A psychotherapist is needed both for the rehabilitation of patients with serious illnesses and for the treatment of disorders that, in one way or another, interfere with living, working, building relationships, and engaging in creativity. In general, psychotherapy improves the quality of life.

Sure Signs It Is Time To See a Psychotherapist
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When is it time to make an appointment?

Mental disorders rarely appear out of the blue and tend to get worse over time. The following should alert.

  1. The character has changed. A person becomes withdrawn, loses interest in business, and does not communicate with previously important people.
  2. Faith in oneself leaves, and so much so that one does not even want to start something because he is sure of failure.
  3. Fatigue is constantly felt; you want to either sleep or do nothing.
  4. The reluctance to move is so strong that even simple actions (taking a shower, throwing out the trash) turn into a daily task.
  5. Incomprehensible sensations appear in the body. Not pain, but just something completely indescribable or extraordinary.
  6. The mood changes quickly for no apparent reason, from violent joy to complete despondency.
  7. There are unexpected emotional reactions; tears when watching a comedy, despondency in response to “Hello, how are you?”
  8. Aggression and irritability are often present.
  9. Sleep is disturbed: insomnia or constant drowsiness comes.
  10. Panic attacks roll in.
  11. Eating behavior changes: systematic overeating or refusal to eat is noticeable.
  12. Difficulty concentrating, studying, doing business.
  13. Obsessive, repetitive actions and habits have appeared or have become more frequent.
  14. I want to hurt myself (or it is noticeable that a person injures himself: there are minor burns, scratches, cuts on the body).
  15. Suicidal thoughts appear.

These are not all approximate symptoms that signal difficulties in the work of the psyche.

The main criterion: if something interferes with your life and reminds you of yourself every day, go to the doctor.

If you notice any symptoms in a loved one or friend, offer help. Do not scold the person, and do not laugh at him, do not force him to be treated. Say what worries you and ask how you can help. Find helplines or specialist addresses so that a person can contact them.

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What to do before going to a psychotherapist

Many of the symptoms that signal mental disorders are not always due to mental disruptions. General weakness, chronic fatigue, irritability, insomnia, and depression can appear with common illnesses that have nothing to do with mental health. Therefore, before visiting a psychotherapist, you need to make sure that you are physically healthy.

No one bothers to simultaneously visit a psychotherapist and investigate the physical condition.

How to check your health when nothing hurts, but in general something is wrong.

  1. Contact a therapist and pass basic tests.
  2. Pass the required examinations
  3. If there is a chronic disease, go to an appointment with a specialized specialist and check for an exacerbation.
  4. Visit an endocrinologist. Many symptoms of mental illness are associated with endocrine disruption.

But don’t get carried away. Many sufferers spend years searching for the cause of sudden attacks of raging heartbeats or suffering from insomnia before admitting that the psyche is to blame.

Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff

Sources: Life hacker