Washing greasy hair is essential to remove the grease, but be careful. You should never overdo it. In fact, too much washing can irritate the sebaceous glands and stimulate the production of sebum. Here are some tips to have cleaner hair for longer.
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First of all, don’t do more than two or three washes a week. Obviously, if you have a special occasion, no one forbids you to make a shampoo wash, but you must remember not to overdo it. Second, wash your hair in the morning and not in the evening. Why? At night the skin produces more sebum, and the risk is to go to bed with clean hair and get up with greasy hair. Therefore, a possible shower is postponed to as soon as you get up.

Another important thing is to do a scalp scrub a couple of times a month, no more. It removes all the residues of the styling products used, regenerates the scalp, and should reduce (if you don’t overdo it) sebum production.
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For hair washing, it is important to use specific products, which are not too heavy. A greasy hair is not a hair that does not need to be properly hydrated; it simply needs to be pampered with a suitable cleanser. First of all, to understand what caused the problem, and cure it. Finally, remember to always use lukewarm water and a hairdryer at low temperatures to avoid making the sebum more liquid and spreading the grease (literally).
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad