Here is one of the best ways to preserve natural hair color and avoid gray hair is to brew nettle leaves. To prepare it, take two tablespoons of leaves, put everything in an enamel mug, and pour 200 ml of boiled water. Wait a couple of minutes for the broth to infuse a little. Take the broth you prepared half a glass per day.
But before taking such a decoction of nettle, you need to consult your doctor; there may be some contraindications for people suffering from certain gynecological diseases.
Read also: What You Need To Know About Hair Coloring
Garlic mask is not inferior to such a decoction. Peel the garlic and chop it into gruel with a knife. Apply the minced garlic to the scalp a couple of hours before washing. Repeat this procedure continuously for several months. This mask not only helps to stop your hair from graying but also prevents hair loss.

The infusion of wheatgrass helps a lot—mix two tablespoons of chopped wheatgrass with 300 ml of boiling water. Take 1 glass two to three times a day. This infusion can be taken or rubbed in the hair.
Also read: How To Promote Thick Hair Growth: Top 9 Best Ways
Another way is to rub fresh juice of berries and fruits into the hair roots, such as cherry, raspberry, strawberry, and apricot. And in general, eat more foods that contain vitamins A, C, E, group B, and folic acid and riboflavin. Eat foods such as meat, nuts, parsley, and wheat germ that are high in protein and copper.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle