How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Easily With Coffee

Changes in the subcutaneous tissue cause this common cosmetic defect. Cellulite manifests itself as an “orange peel,” forming characteristic irregularities on the skin surface. You can become a victim of it at any age, with any bodyweight. It happens in slender beauties and curvy women. Due to hormonal disorders, malnutrition, lack of physical activity, skin lesions, even in adolescent girls, are frequent.

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Anti-cellulite mask recipe

Mix one tablespoon of coffee grounds with one tablespoon of blue clay (sold in a pharmacy) add mineral water until a sour cream consistency is formed. Apply the mask to moisturized skin for ten minutes, rinse with warm water.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Easily With Coffee
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

To prepare a coffee scrub for cellulite, mix ground coffee with sour cream or cream, add honey, rub into problem areas. Wash off after a few minutes. The procedure is performed two to three times a week for two months. A coffee wrap against cellulite using honey is quite effective, but it is contraindicated in varicose veins.

Another recipe

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One tablespoon of coffee grounds is mixed with one tablespoon of honey and rubbed into the skin’s problem areas. After that, wrap the body in plastic, cover with a blanket, and wait half an hour. The composition is washed off with warm boiled water. Its effect lasts for some time, so you shouldn’t take a bath for two or three hours.

Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle