It’s no secret that a sedentary lifestyle is a serious blow to health. It is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide from non-communicable diseases. According to doctors, if people got up for two minutes every hour, this would change the situation. Here is how you can change a sedentary life in no time.
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According to the official guidelines, you should be physically active for at least 30 minutes a day. And the strategy “2 minutes per hour” allows you to get closer to this indicator. This conclusion was made based on the results of a three-year observation of 3243 volunteers wearing accelerometers.
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Employees of the University of Utah Medical School and the University of Colorado found that if a person just stood for these two minutes, there would be no difference. And a quick walk, pleasant chores in the garden, or cleaning reduced the risk of death by 33%.
Ideally, this activity should be supplemented with 2.5 hours per week of moderate-intensity training. Moreover, every hour spent on a chair takes 22 minutes of a person’s life. But every hour of exercise adds 90 minutes to your life. This is logical; the human body is designed to be active.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Today lifestyle