Here Are The Five Most Common Sugar Myths

Sugar isn’t always bad, and some admit that they cannot live without sugar, while others consider it to be such a harmful product that they try to eliminate from their diet. As always, the truth is somewhere in between; we need sugar, but its excess can cause health problems.

Read also: Why You Should Eliminate Sugar From Your Diet

Myth 1. Some types of sugar are healthier than others.

Labels on supermarket shelves are full of names; in addition to the usual white sugar, you can buy brown sugar and even different varieties. In fact, both white and brown sugar contain about the same amount of calories, and adding molasses (molasses) to brown sugar only slightly increases its nutrient content.

Here Are The Five Most Common Sugar Myths

Myth 2. Sugar is addictive like a drug

Many of us find it difficult to give up sugar – sweet tea, chocolate with coffee, etc. However, the researchers claim that no evidence has yet been obtained that sugar is addictive.

Myth 3. Eating a lot of sugar and sweets can cause diabetes

The onset of type 1 diabetes has nothing to do with eating sweets. This disease is autoimmune – the body’s own antibodies begin to destroy the beta cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for producing insulin. The causes of this form of diabetes are still unclear, but the amount of sugar eaten does not affect this.

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Myth 4. Sweeteners are healthier than sugar

A lot of research suggests that sugar substitutes are far from harmless. They can contribute to weight gain, increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and cause heart disease.

Myth 5. Sugar should be eliminated from your diet altogether

Eating too much sugar can lead to serious health problems, and sugar alone cannot provide the entire body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff

Sources: Today Lifestyle