Check yourself. Perhaps you need sick leave.
The World Health Organization (WHO) first identified burnout syndrome in the International Classification of Diseases, which is considered the standard for diagnosis and health insurance. In the latest version of the WHO classification of diseases and injuries, the WHO defines burnout as the result of chronic stress in the workplace that has not been successfully overcome.
Read also: How to Deal with Burnout: 15 Useful Tips from Psychologists
There are three symptoms of burnout
- Feeling depleted of energy and exhaustion
- Increased mental detachment from work or feelings of negativity and cynicism associated with work
- The decrease in professional efficiency

Burnout refers specifically to events in a professional context and should not describe experiences in other areas of life, also noted in the classification.
Also read: 30 Tips To Help You Recover From a Burnout
An updated list of diseases and injuries, called ICD-11 (revision 11), was compiled last year by health experts’ recommendations around the world and was approved just a few days ago. Also, the World Health Organization has recognized the disease as “gaming disorder” – that is, addiction to video games. On the list, it comes right after gambling addiction.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Life hacker