Our relationship has changed because of the internet; we began to assess the degree of liking of a partner by likes, monitor their digital fidelity, and change in two clicks. Here is a list of the phenomena that have emerged, thanks to technology development, and can make you feel like you are already living in the “Black Mirror.” Some of them are well known, and some have appeared recently, and it is unclear whether they will be able to take root.
1. Gatsby
Have you ever posted pictures, videos, or suggestions to go out on social media over the weekend, hoping that a specific person will notice the post? It is likely that, as a result, anyone else answered you, but not the one you expected. Nevertheless, people often turn to someone through public records, sometimes without even hoping for anything specific.
This demeanor model from Australia Matilda Dods dubbed the Great Gatsby, in honor of the protagonist of the novel by Francis Scott Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby.” Jay Gatsby threw chic parties every week on his huge estate with the sole purpose of attracting the attention of a lover who was married to another. So meaningful photos and Instagram stories may not hint at anything but may be part of a cunning plan.
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2. Orbiting
This term, coined by columnist Anna Irvin, means a situation in which people follow someone and leave likes but do not write messages and do not comment. That is, they remain “in orbit.”
In some cases, orbiting can help maintain a sense of connection with old acquaintances, even if you haven’t actually seen each other in years. Sometimes it’s a way to keep an eye on interesting strangers. Strictly speaking, we are in such a relationship with most people who are subscribed to social networks – hardly anyone really maintains rich virtual communication with several hundred people.
3. Micro-changes
This term was coined by psychologist Martin Graff of the University of South Wales. This is how the scientist calls manifestations of online flirting and hints of infidelity on social networks. A simple like or message by itself does not mean anything and can hardly be equated with cheating. However, there are unspoken rules in modern netiquette, the violation of which may indicate that a person has plans for someone other than his partner.
Among such signs of “micro-change” is putting likes under someone’s old photos (you need to scroll for a long time to find them) or the fact that the person in the relationship still has a dating application on the phone. Also, pages of people you visit most often appear in the history of searches on social networks, and a suspicious partner may start to worry about this.

4. Hosting
This word comes from the English ghost (“ghost”). They describe a situation in which people disappear without explanation and do not answer questions about the reasons. Simply put, this is when communication is faced with harsh ignorance.
The situation is unpleasant because it makes the one who is “ the guest” to be at a loss in conjectures – what actually happened? Maybe there is something wrong with me? In each case, the reason will be different, but one cannot but admit; breaking off the relationship instead of going into explanations is the easiest way. Although, of course, the ugliest.
Ghosting has long gone beyond social networks and personal relationships: the press is often used. This is the term for a person who quit his job without prior explanation, simply by stopping going there.
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5. Hosting
Hosting in the superlative degree; a situation in which a person does not just disappear, but does it with special cynicism – after vows and assurances that your relationship is special. Journalist Tracy Moore coined this term (probably derived from the word most – “most”). According to her words, when bridging, you will be showered with compliments and told about an unprecedented kinship of souls before disappearing.
When asked why people do this, coach and dating expert Nick Notas said that flattery is still one of the simplest methods to arouse interest: “Usually they want a casual connection, but do not dare to be honest.” So, if someone is scattered in excessive compliments and rushes things, coming up with names for children, it is better to clarify, and not whether this is a way to get non-binding sex. You may want the same thing, so why lie?
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Life hacker