If you don’t look good after a sleepless night, these tricks will quickly restore your human form.
Universal life hacks
1. A contrast shower is a well-known and still effective remedy. Alternate hot water with cold water; this way, you will regain vitality and skin – a healthy pink color. Most importantly, do not overdo it with hot water; it will not be easy to mask burns.
2. If you cannot shower, try washing your hands alternately in hot and cold water. An invigorating effect is also guaranteed.
3. Fresh look and reddened eyes are incompatible. Buy special drops; they will reduce redness, make your eyes shine, and make you look rested.
4. Use tea bags as a home remedy for dark circles under the eyes. Fill them with hot water, let cool slightly, and then apply them to your eyes for 10 minutes.
5. Spoons can also be used to combat bags under the eyes. Leave them in the freezer for 10 minutes, and then attach them to problem areas.
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6. Use a scrub. It will remove dead skin cells and give your face a healthy look. If you are a man, you can use one of your lady’s tubes or pour boiling water over a tablespoon of oatmeal, leave it for 10 minutes, and then massage your face with this porridge. Oat scrub is not harsh enough not to damage your masculinity.
7. Apply cream to your face. A moisturizer is ideal, but in general, after a sleepless night, any cream designed for the upper half of the body will work. It won’t get any worse.
8. Wipe your face with an ice cube. The cold will keep blood flowing to your skin, and it will look fresher.
9. Remove plaque. At home, an activated carbon tablet will help to do this. Place it on the brush and brush your teeth properly. To remove black charcoal particles, complete the procedure by brushing with regular toothpaste.
10. In pursuit of beauty, do not forget about fresh breath. If the day before you went too far with alcohol, you should get rid of the smell of fumes. Snack on a protein-rich meal and chew on natural flavors like parsley or coffee beans.
Life hacks for men
11. Shave. This three-day stubble is a stylish accessory, and a one-day unshaven signal signals the sleepless night before and the untidiness of its owner.
12. Before shaving, wash with hot water; it will soften the skin.
13. If you are a fan of straight razors, it is hardly worth grabbing them with hands shaking after a sleepless night. Get out a regular machine.

14. Or don’t shave, but style your hair to look like a slight bump is part of your stylish look. It will take hands, gel, or modeling clay, and three seconds. You need to lubricate your palms with a product and tousle your hair. But ideally, a smooth hair-to-hair hairstyle should not be done; against its background, all staleness signs will become more obvious.
15. Pinch your cheeks several times. The blood will rush to your skin, and you will get a healthy glow as if you recently returned from an active walk and not from an alcoholic party.
16. Chapped, dry lips can be smeared with honey or hygienic lipstick for 15 minutes. However, the lipstick can be left on after a quarter of an hour.
Life hacks for women
17. If there is no time to wash and style your hair, wind a turban on your head from a scarf or scarf. This fashion accessory can be knotted in seconds. It will not only hide the stale hairstyle but will also become a memorable detail of your look.
18. In case it is not acceptable to admit; you can only wash your bangs.
19. Owners of short and not very thick hair can use dry shampoo. Spray it on the roots, wait for a little while the product’s particles absorb the sebum, and then comb out the resulting powder. If you have long or very thick hair, washing and drying will likely be faster than removing dry shampoo.
20. A highlighter will help to restore a glossy smoothness to a dented face. The sparkling particles will reflect the color, creating the illusion of smoother skin. Apply it to prominent parts of your face or add to your foundation for a full shine.
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21. Peeling manicure can be saved with glitter varnish. Just paint your nails with it on top of the existing varnish. Thanks to the glitter of flaws, such an express manicure will not be visible.
22. Paint your lips with bright lipstick. It will divert attention from tired eyes. Plus, lips usually look decent even after the wildest parties, so feel free to focus on them.
23. Don’t forget about blush. Pay attention to natural colors; your task is to restore freshness to your face. But it’s better to forget about contouring: the skin’s look, most likely, leave much to be desired, no need to add new spots to it.
24. Do without arrows in front of your eyes. Hands shaking from fatigue and lack of sleep are difficult to draw a straight line. But you can draw the inner eyelid with a white pencil; this will add freshness to the look.
25. Replace black mascara with blue; it visually brightens the whites of the eyes and neutralizes redness.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Life hacker