In a person’s life, sometimes there is a moment when everything collapses and a crisis sets in. This could be a family loss, divorce, job loss, or health problems. And there are no universal rules of behavior by which a person could get out of this state. But psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky named three steps that will help to survive a personal crisis.
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The first rule: allow yourself to get through the situation
If you have just left a tyrant, this is not the right time to urgently look for a new man. This also applies to business, friendship, and work.
“Do not rush into the embrasure if you are still shaking. Allow yourself to be” shaken. “Ideally, sign up for therapy to speed up the healing process,” recommended the psychologist.
The second rule: let go of the past
You can do this with some symbolic ritual. For example, it helps many to throw out a former partner, block a betrayed friend on social networks, erase joint photos, and so on. ⠀
Do it when you’re ready. ⠀

The third and most important rule: live in the here and now
You need to stop living in the past. What was before will not return. You can still recover in business or start another business or get married. Still, it will be a different life—another business, another marriage, another relationship, and so on. ⠀
“It will become much easier for you if you learn to live in the here and now. If you are separated from your husband, start exploring a new space. Go to a cafe in your area. Take a walk. Get yourself new pleasant habits,” the psychologist recommends.
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Labkovsky recommends not to pause life, not to live in anticipation of changes, but rather to focus on what is happening right now. ⠀
“I am not suggesting that you look for advantages in a new position, although that would also be nice. But you must live in reality, not survive in it. You must clearly understand that this is your current reality. Do not run away from it. Live it.” – the psychologist advises.
At the same time, the expert recommends not waiting for a “special moment” to open a bottle of your favorite wine, put on clothes that you keep for an “important” occasion, to go for a walk with a friend, to do repairs, to watch your favorite TV series. Just embrace the new reality.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Today Lifestyle