If you store your savings under a mattress, they are worthless. So make them work.
Savings account
You transfer money to a perpetual account, and the bank charges you a monthly interest on it while you use its services. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the movement of funds. But the percentage is usually low.
Profit earning period: from one month.
Risks: practically none, if you contact a trusted bank and do not give access data to online banking to outsiders.
You deposit money in the bank for a fixed period and receive interest on it. Pay attention to the ratio of terms and interest at a floating rate on the deposit. Sometimes it happens that, for example, putting money in the bank for a year is more profitable than for six months, but less profitable than for one and a half.
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The income from the deposit, depending on the terms of the agreement, can be cashed out monthly or added to the principal amount in order to receive all the money at the same time. Pay attention to the presence of capitalization: in this case, interest is added to the principal amount on a monthly basis, and then interest is also charged on them.
If there is a lot of savings, spread the amount among different banks so that each deposit has no more than 1.4 million – this is the amount that is insured in case of bankruptcy of a financial institution.
The term for making a profit: from one month, but it is more profitable to choose a longer period.
Risks: practically none, if you contact a trusted bank and do not give access data to online banking to outsiders.

A risky way in which you first have to say goodbye to savings in the name of a potentially bright future. Before investing in education, it is worth weighing the pros and cons, making a list of positions for which you can apply, and finding out the average salary for them.
If all the calculations look optimistic, it’s worth a try. But only if you are ready to plow. Then there is a chance to quickly return the savings and start increasing them.
Profit earning period: from several months to several years.
Risks: high if you are not ready to invest anything but money and you have not studied the professional market well.
Real estate under construction
Buying an apartment at the excavation stage can increase savings by 50–70%. It is precisely this yield, according to what profitability can investment in new buildings bring? RBC have investments in a new building.
But profitable investments are risky investments, so it is necessary to take a responsible approach to a developer’s choice so as not to join the ranks of defrauded real estate investors. Also, pay attention to the area’s infrastructure: if the place is bad, there is a chance that you will not find a buyer.
Profit earning period: several years.
Risks: high if you contact an unverified developer, and below-average if you choose a bona fide company.
Property for rent
Be prepared for this to be a very long term investment. You buy an apartment for 2 million and with a rent without utilities of 20 thousand rubles, return the savings only after 8 years.
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But you also own an apartment. True, the data price indices in the secondary housing market in the Russian FederationRosstat says that in the past three years, the cost of all types of apartments, with the exception of elite ones, has been decreasing. Prior to that, real estate was growing steadily in value.
The term for making a profit: the first money – in a month, payback – in a few years, but you will have an apartment that can be sold.
Risks: Below average, with careful selection of properties and tenants.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Life hacker