Folding and ironing, both single and double sheets, can give one annoying headache. Once washed in the washing machine, avoiding the spinning too vigorously so as not to end up with excessively wrinkled sheets, you have to dry them on the drying rack, keeping them stretched as much as possible to remove excess wrinkles, and then move on to the ironing phase.
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After folding the sheet in half lengthwise, place it on the ironing board and spread it out on the ironing board.
Place the iron at a medium temperature; the steam jet will help us in the most difficult passages. Iron the straight edges first and, if the sheet is with corners, proceed to iron one corner at a time, inserting them one after the other on the tip of the board. Using the other hand, spread the most curled areas to accompany the tip of the iron. Then move on to ironing the central areas on the top and bottom side. If there are tough creases, put water in a spray bottle and spray it on the area before using the iron.

Once the sheet has been ironed, move on to folding. Spread the sheet in half on the long side (if it is with corners, insert one corner inside the other). Then take the corners, or the two paired points with the left hand, and with the other hand, take the two hanging flaps and spread everything on a flat surface. Roll it out to form a square and fold from left to right two or three times according to the length. Then arrange it horizontally and fold it two more times. Do the same with the top sheet. Then fold the pillowcase towards the center according to the long side, first one side, then the other. After, fold in half and then in half again.
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At this point, open the other pillowcase, insert the three folded pieces inside and close the pillowcase half. In this way, the sheets will also be coupled, an excellent procedure for arranging and keeping them in order in the closet.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad