Here Is a Simple Cocoa With Peanut Paste Recipe

Learn how to make this gentle cream drink for the coziest evening. Here is a full recipe.

Cooking time

Total…10 mins

Read also: Learn How To Make This Cocktail With Cranberry Juice And Vodka


Sugar…2 tbsp

Cocoa powder…1 tbsp

Water…1 tbsp


Peanut paste…1 tbsp slide

Here Is a Simple Cocoa With Peanut Paste Recipe
Image source: Reproduction/Internet


  1. 1.


In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, cocoa powder, and water.

  1. 2.


Also read: Fragrant Chocolate Tea That Will Lift Your Spirits

Place on medium heat and stir until the mixture has dissolved.

  1. 3.


Add the milk and paste and stir. Keep stirring and bring the drink to a very light boil.

Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff

Sources; Life hacker