What To Do If Your Eye Twitches

To stop an eye tic, sometimes you need to take a deep breath. We will probably not talk about the prevalence of eye tics; it is familiar to almost every adult. In principle, unpleasant, but no more. In most cases, twitching of the upper or lower eyelid is a short-term phenomenon and is not a symptom of any serious illness. However, there are exceptions.

Why does the eye twitch

Twitching eye – like a headache; the possible causes of this symptom cover the full spectrum from “no big deal” to “you will die tomorrow,” they joke journalists of the American edition of The Atlantic. And in general, they are right.

Going deeper into the wild medical info motion and a jungle of all sorts of clinical manifestations, a twitching eyelid can signal anything. Glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, developing Parkinson’s disease, Tourette’s syndrome, Bell’s palsy, but stop.

The twitching of the eyelid (it is also an ocular tic) in itself speaks of only one thing: a certain malfunction in the work of the central nervous system.

For example, sometimes, a tick is provoked by random electrical impulses in the brain. They stimulate the eye muscle, causing it to contract—nothing to cause concern, just a flash in the brain. Eye tics are rarely signs of serious problems, so doctors do not even investigate this phenomenon’s causes comprehensively.

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If it does arise and gives a person anxiety, then, as a rule, they dig in one of three directions, asking the patient the following questions.

  1. Do you get enough sleep, feel refreshed in the morning?
  2. Are you experiencing lingering stress?
  3. Do you drink a lot of coffee?

Fatigue and stress cause the nervous systems to overstrain, which is why accidental breakdowns from nerve impulses in the brain occur more often. Coffee also hurts the nerves; if your hands are shaking from drinking this drink, do not be surprised that your eyes may twitch.

What else can cause eye tics

Also, do not discount situations that can become triggers for eyelid twitching. As a rule, they are associated with irritation of the optic nerve. Here is a list of the most common irritants.

  1. Too bright light or strong wind
  2. Prolonged work at the computer or reading in the twilight
  3. Side effects of certain medications. For example, a twitching eyelid may be an individual reaction to the use of eye or nose drops, as well as antihistamines and antidepressants.

Among other relatively common but generally not dangerous reasons, one can single out; alcohol intoxication, smoking, a temporary decrease in immunity (say, after the recent flu or acute respiratory disease), or malnutrition, as a result of which the body receives less magnesium and vitamin D (a deficiency of these elements leads to difficulties with muscle relaxation).

What To Do If Your Eye Twitches
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

What to do if your eye twitches

Considering the above, in the vast majority of cases, it is not difficult to calm down a trembling eyelid.

  1. Try taking deep breaths or otherwise reducing stress. For example, get out of an overly nervous office for a walk, or sit back in your chair, close your eyes, and imagine yourself as a Buddha.
  2. Get some sleep.
  3. Adjust the amount of caffeine in your life.
  4. When going outside, especially on a windy and sunny day, remember to wear sunglasses.
  5. Limit the time you spend in front of screens if possible.
  6. Don’t read in the dark.
  7. Make sure you eat well.
  8. Try to quit bad habits or at least reduce the number of smoke breaks and high-level parties.
  9. Reread the list of side effects of any medications you are taking and, if necessary, talk to your doctor about changing medications.

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When to see a doctor

An ocular tic is usually a one-time occurrence and rarely lasts more than a few minutes. Even if the situation repeats itself for several days in a row, there is nothing to worry about. The eyelid reminds you to rest and sleep.

Again, the risk that eye twitching is associated with dangerous health problems is minimal. Nevertheless, albeit rarely, this happens.

Schedule a visit to your doctor (physician, neurologist, or ophthalmologist) if you experience the following symptoms.

  1. The eye twitches for at least two weeks or longer.
  2. During a tic, you have difficulty opening your eyes.
  3. The tick is not limited to the eye area but also affects other areas of the face or body.
  4. The eye is not only twitching but also reddened, watery, and looks swollen.
  5. The eyelid is lowered, completely covering the eye, and it is difficult for you to raise it to its normal position.

All this may indicate either an eye injury or the development of rather serious neurological disorders. Only a specialist can install them and prescribe treatment.

Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff

Sources: Life hacker