After the lockdown period, our habits changed. And in some ways, we have been able to improve and follow hygiene rules more carefully. Outside our homes, we are careful to keep a safe distance, touch surfaces with gloves, but at home can we be calm and not worry too much.
In general, it is good to follow the rules for proper hygiene and for living in safety, taking particular care to sanitize our door and window handles, switches, and various knobs, including those in the kitchen, where all family members rest their hands continuously.
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It seems like a tiring job but if we take it as a daily habit, at the beginning of the day, and every time we return home, eventually it becomes a walk in the park.
To begin with, open the windows to change the air quickly both during and after using cleaning products, especially if you use disinfectants to eliminate viruses and bacteria such as alcohol.
Then, wear gloves, get a microfibre cloth avoiding abrasive sponges and use denatured ethyl alcohol, pink also perfumed, or at least 70%. Alternatively, mix water, liquid dish detergent, and vinegar. This an ideal mix to thoroughly disinfect.
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Go over the surfaces by rubbing the handles with alcohol which will dry in a few seconds, or pass the solution and leave it for 5 minutes, then rinse and polish with a dry microfiber cloth.
Adapted and translated by Wiki Avenue Staff
Sources: Donnad